
Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 8, 2011


Today was probably one of the best days Don has had so far!  His wound vac was changed out in the morning and just had a small leak later in the afternoon which was fixed with just a simple patch.  We got him a new DVD player since the one we had in the truck is in a few pieces and full of dirt.  So he is watching Andy Griffith DVD's that I had in my van.  He got up on the side of the bed again today and did quite well.  He is focusing on Tuesday's surgery to be a pivotal point to move him toward possibly getting up in a wheel chair.  He would have to be totally lifted for that but to just get out of the bed would be fantastic!  It has now been 3 weeks exactly since he arrived here at Sunrise Medical Center and he is really wanting to get out of the bed.  We are hoping that after next week's surgery that we could possibly let Mom go home to Florida and I could just stay here in the hospital room with Don all the time.  This would help remove the almost $400.00 per week charge for the hotel room.  If Don is able to stay quiet most of the nights then I should be able to handle him on my own...with your prayers, of course.

I put together some "Before" and "After" pictures on a Word Document and attached it to this email for you all incase you wanted to have something to compare the wreckage to.

We love and appreciate each one of you!,
Don, Carol and Mom (Sharon Zelinko)

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