
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 10, 2011


Last night was probably the best Donnie has slept the entire 3+ weeks!  Thank you, Jesus!
He had gotten up on the side of the bed a total of 7 times before the day was over yesterday.  By the time tonight is over he will have been up 6 times today!  Isn't that wonderful?!

When I arrived this morning I could tell by looking at him that he didn't feel very well.  He had several hours where he just felt nauseated and uncomfortable.  After a few hours that passed and he felt pretty good, considering.  He is always talking about his legs and butt hurting but considering the size of the wound on his back and the fact that he has to be lying down so much, that is understandable.  Mom and I just continue to help him sit up and swing his legs and also massage and skin brush him to keep the circulation going.  He always mentions how good it feels and how much he likes it when we do it for him.

The wound vac was leaking quite badly this morning so by early afternoon the wound vac team was in here and had to change the whole thing out again.  It still looks real clean and is healing well.  I can only glance at it a little here and there from a side view because it is just so deep and big that it makes me queasy.  My Mom is still astounded at the size and depth of the wound.  In 56 years of nursing she has never seen anything even close to this.

Mom and I actually took a couple of hours off in the middle of the day and went shopping at Macy's down the road from the hospital.  It was a gorgeous day and we just needed some time to chill.  Mom got quite a bit of sleep last night here in the hospital so she wasn't needing to sleep that much today.

Donnie is scheduled for a 7AM surgery with the plastic surgeon.  He is going to be looking at how well the wound is healing and if the stitching he put in last week has stayed in tact.  Then he is going to see if there is anyway he can close the wound.  That is our highest hope!  I am going to be leaving the hospital soon to get a little rest.  I will have to get over here by 5AM to be sure I am here when they take him to pre-op for the surgery.  In preparation for the surgery we are applying the "Pre-Surgery Protocol" that Dr. Gary Young of Young Living Essential Oils recommends.  We apply Frankincense, Valerian, Vetiver, RutaVaLa and Helichrysum from the back of the skull down the brain stem and down to T-1 on the spine.  This prevents the white blood cell count from jumping up and as a result any inflammation is virtually eliminated.  It works like a charm and it sure makes the room smell wonderful too!  Donnie asked for some oils to be put on the bottom of his feet so I put Idaho Balsam Fir, Peace and Calming and Thieves on and had him inhale each one.  He just loves these oils and it really relaxed him as well.  He dozed off for over an hour after we applied the oils so that is a really good sign.  These oils will also greatly reduce any anxiety about his surgery in the morning as well.

We appreciate each one of your prayers and the love and concern that each one of you are demonstrating.  We couldn't do this without you being there to intercede for us.  We look forward to a glowing report tomorrow so stay tuned.

We love you all,
Don and Carol Schirr, Mom (Sharon Zelinko)

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