
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 25, 2011


Last night went pretty good.  Don got some sleep during the night but had to get up on the side of the bed a couple of times during the night just for a repositioning and just for a few minutes each time.

Dr. Sohn, the plastic surgeon, stopped in about 6:30AM and checked the wound.  He said it was progressing nicely and that by Thursday he should be able to reevaluate Don's restrictions on movement and see if he can't get a little more active and maybe get placed in a wheel chair.  We are hoping for that.  Mom asked if he knew anything about the X-ray and it showed that the pelvis is in alignment but they could not see the tailbone because the angle of the X-ray was not aimed where they could see it.  So, most likely they will have to take the X-ray again to see what the status of the tailbone is.

Today Don felt quite a bit better.  Still has some nausea but it seemed better.

The Pain Management Team came in and lowered his automatic dose of Dilaudid from 2 mg. per hour to 1 mg. per hour but still allows Don to get more if he needs it with the push button.  He has had to hit it a few times today especially when he has to turn or sit up but he feels like he hasn't had to do much extra on the pump.  He wants to cut down on the pain meds too but there is only so much he can tolerate.

Please keep up the prayers and we are looking for better news everyday.

Don and Carol and Mom (Sharon Zelinko)

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