
Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 23rd

Mom and I got up extra early today and got over to the hospital BEFORE 7AM. Now, anyone that knows me, knows that is a miracle.  Donnie had already tried to call us and he was on his cell phone when we arrived.  He says that he just gets lonely and needs to talk to someone.  So, we are going to try to get there even eariler tomorrow.  I hope it works!

I had a big surprise for him this morning!  His glasses showed up last night so I was able to greet him with those which he was so happy to get!  Thank you Dr. Fil Simpson and Simpson Optical for going the extra mile to get this accomplished in such a short time.

It was a jam-packed day for sure.  Right away in the morning the nurses came in to get him sitting on the edge of the bed!  That was something!  He got pain meds, his hit of morphine and muscle relaxing drugs about 30 minutes before to help him cope with this move.  They needed his legs to dangle down and he needed to set up.  He is very strong so he was able to help a lot with the trapeze set up he has on his bed.  He was dizzy for a while but he was able to stay up for about 20 minutes.  While he was sitting up we washed his hair and beard for him.  We found another pretty good superficial wound on the crown of his head that had not been noticed before because he is always laying down.  They debriaded it and put a dressing on that.  On the way to laying back down there was a lot of agonized yelling as you can imagine.  Then they had to take off the wound vac which has very sticky clear stuff to hold it on  that covers about 1/2 of his back.  Well, Donnie has a lot of body hair so he really screamed when the pulled that off!!!! They had several nurses in there and the doctor also came in during that time so Mom and I hit the cafeteria.  Whew!  When we got back they were still working on all his other wounds.  Many of them look so much better and some of them no longer require bandaging.  His right heal is still quite open but is looking much better.  It takes about 1 1/2 hours just to tend to all his wounds there are so many.

Donnie was waiting for his glasses to arrive before seeing the pictures of the remains of his truck.  He was blown away by them and actually asked for Mom and I to have prayer over him after seeing about 3 or 4 pictures.  He was talking with someone on the phone this evening and said that he cried inside more than he did on the outside.  Actually we saw no tears at all so he really cried on the inside only. I know it totally broke his heart. That was a tough reality but he realized that only God could have saved him from this accident.

He was pretty worn out from all this painful activity so he took a nap and Mom and I went back to the Hotel Suite to eat a bite of Julie's wonderful food and take a short nap.  We went back about 2 hours later.  He had a lot of phone calls today and some of them were a little too stressful so we had to take the phone from him because his blood pressure was going up.

Later in the afternoon a lady called from the Main Lobby that is the daughter of some friends of my sister, Ruthie in Mississippi that have been praying for us.  We personally did not know them but their sweet and beautiful daughter Emi came with a HUGE food and snack basket and a case of bottled water as a gift.  She visited with us for quite some time and we showed her the pictures which were beyond her belief.  What a sweet thing for her to do!  She also offered to take us anywhere if we needed a ride anytime.  God sends us angels everywhere!

When we returned to Donnie's room they had discovered that his wound vac was leaking somehow so Mom, the nurse (Sue) and I worked over Donnie for quite a while.  We never got it perfectly sealed and they will have to order a new dressing and do it all over again tomorrow...poor Donnie!  The wound vacs usually last 3-4 days before changing them so my heart goes out to him just knowing that tomorrow it has to be redone!  Of course, everytime we work on this he has to roll over on his side so we can have his back exposed.  This is a lot of work for him and not the most comfortable.  Then we have to work like crazy to get him very gently placed back in the right position on his back.  Let's agree together in prayer that tomorrow the new wound vac will be put on correctly and that Donnie will have as little pain as possible!

Donnie has a very great and positive attitude and his will to get through this as quickly as possible is always what he focuses on and together we are going to make it just fine.  Together meaning Donnie and I and all of your wonderful and earnst prayers!

We love each and every one of you!,
Don and Carol Schirr

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