
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 5-7, 2011

Hello Everyone,
I bet you are wondering what is going on out here in Las Vegas, right?  Well, I will have to give you a general overview for the past few days.
Mel Ehlers has been here and has been a tremendous help and comfort to both Don and I.  It helps us to feel like we are home since she is our good neighbor from Mesa, Arizona.
So much has happened and most of it is good.  It has been very busy around here and it seems we are running all the time.  Don is improving a little each day.  We have had our ups and downs, that's for sure, but all in all he is moving up and getting ready to move out of here.  Speaking of moving, we have been standing by in anticipation of moving him to a place called TLC Care Center as I mentioned earlier.  We have had nothing but a waiting game.  The insurance company is holding the ball in their court right now.  We thought we were for sure moving today but nothing came through.  So here we are another day waiting.
Saturday, November 5th, our great friend Vallorie Judd from Utah came to help us with her expertise in Young Living Essential Oils to help both Don and I with not only physical issues but emotional ones as well.  She has given of herself and her time to be of help to us during this long and involved process.  Both of us feel tremendously better and we could never thank her enough for all she has done to get us back on track.  She helped us with special healing foods, suggestions for eating, drinking and oil and supplement schdules.  It has all been such a huge help.
Right now Don is free of all of his external hardware.  They took the PIC line out several days ago and of course you knew the catheter was gone so all he has is two bandages on his right ankle and foot and the big bandage over his back. 
We are headed to bed for tonight but we wanted to give you a quick update at least for the moment.  Please keep praying and we will give you some more exciting details about these last three days in one of the upcoming emails.
We love you all!,
Don and Carol Schirr, Mel Ehlers and Vallorie Judd

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